Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ösi-million fraudster taken near Cologne

Cologne - Two internationally wanted fraudster ausÖsterreich have been taken after nine months on the run in the Cologne area.
 As the Upper Austria police on Freitagbekanntgab belonging to a gang, and two more are to inÖsterreich, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary have caused more than 1.3 million euro loss.
The 50-year-old woman and ihr42-year-old accomplice were hiding to escape their Gefängnisstrafenvon every seven years and one year for which they were imvergangenen year had been convicted in Linz.
   The suspects were arrested on Wednesday inKontakt with their victims by providing them with selling inferior carpets. In einemzweiten step they stepped up to their customers and others täuschtenunter urgent operations prior to the "surreptitiously bridge loans" to.
They were "part einesFamilienclans", were among the other alleged perpetrators, sagteAnton wax Egger from State Crime in Linz. The beidenTrickbetrüger will now be shipped to Austria.