Friday, May 28, 2010

Steinmeier - lightning visit to Afghanistan

Kabul - Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is amMittwoch arrived for a surprise visit to Afghanistan.
In the capital, Kabul will include meetings with President Hamid Karzai and Foreign Minister Rangin Spanta Dadfar on the program.
Steinmeier for it is the fourth trip to Afghanistan was his Amtszeit.Aus safety stay to be held after the Ankunftgeheim.
In Afghanistan it is always zuSelbstmordanschlägen of the radical Islamic Taliban militia.
Only three weeks ago, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU was inAfghanistan). Merkel visited the German troops in northern Deslandes. In talks with the government in Kabul, it waived.
There are currently about 3800 German soldiers in Afghanistan stationiert.Die number should be increased to about 4,400 in the coming months.
NATO had recently decided to derTaliban stronger and the campaign against the reconstruction of the country to care.
In Augustwird in Afghanistan elected a new president. On Karzai, derbereits since 2001 in the office, there was in the past Monatenzunehmend criticism from the West. In particular, he is accused to make too little to combat corruption.