Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sponsors soaps a tiger

Washington --
Schluss mit Lustig: Now it Straddling the smart golf Tiger (33).
His antics outside of the home are at the Square are Fremdspieler really expensive too.
Only Tiger Woods has committed itself to pay supposedly 55 million euros to the angry wife, so that they dispense with a very image-War of the Roses.
Then he announced the good break, had his wife, Elin Nordegren (test 29): I want to concentrate myself to be a better husband, father and human being. "Now the first sponsors to jump off but still.
Thus, Gillette (let "For the best a man"), the spots with the soapy stop Woods now. During the break we will no longer advertise with the world number first. The telephone giant AT & T will review the contract. After all: Nike Woods initially did not want to drop it. "He's the best golfer in the world. We await his return, "said a spokesman.
And while the dollar-billionaire now fighting for his marriage, coming from the green clever heckling: Of all golf buddy John Daly (43) divorced, thrice, a passionate smoker and friend of the whiskey is unsolicited advice to the Tiger marital crisis.
Tip 1: "Do not stay because of children in marriage, not about the money. Only when one loves. "Tip 2:" He should go with his wife in the Oprah Winfrey talk show to tell the truth. "
With his announcement, initially put the club is now out of his hand, Woods had at least admitted that he had affairs - and apologized.
Sunday was well known: He is said to have betrayed his wife, Elin, even on the night in his own bed, when his father Earl was dying! The claimed his alleged ex-lover Jamie Jungers in "News of the World".
Shocked by the downfall of its icon showed the international golf community. Olympic golf was just beginning. In 2008, after a pause Woods knee surgery eight months had to decreased television ratings by 50 percent.