Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ninth fire! Police hunt fire-Phantom

Bonn - Listening to this madness only when there is dead? For now the ninth year of Tannenbusch firebug has struck.
In a high-rise in the Opole road he lit a mattress in the basement an.Für Fire and Rescue Service, this meant a new large-scale operation. 42 forces raced to the fire location. Some residents of the house had fled before the smoke into the open, others waited on the balcony until the fire was extinguished.
Nobody was injured, property damage created by the soot of 3000 €. Hard to believe: the police even after the ninth arson attack has no specific reference to the perpetrators - in spite of distributed 2500 flyers and intense environment surveys. So far, the officials hunt a fire phantom that could strike at any time.
Police spokeswoman Daniela Lindemann remains only to repeat the prevention tips: "Do not place objects in free-access park basement, keep the doors closed to the outside.
Notes on the perpetrators to: 02 28 / 1 50

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blue sparks to clean Pee schoolyard

The blue sparks have made on Friday in the schoolyard of the primary school Neschen Odenthal of the environmental service company specializing in book (manages it sparks Vice Gerhard Röttgen clean).
Around 15 members of the corps had relieved before a performance in school gymnasiums in the wall and the climbing frame.
A spark to EXPRESS: "We arrived shortly before the appearance of the bus and there were only three Dixi-Klos."
"This incident is no longer repeated," says Sparks spokesman Juergen Stelter. To get rid of the bad impression, they want to spark school soon invite members to dinner in their tower at the Ulrepforte.
Learn More
Pee scandal at the Blue Spark

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Giant raid in Large-disco

Brüggen -
Police and youth in the district of Viersen get serious in terms of minors: only a few days after raids in Internet cafes reviewed the authorities on the night of Saturday in a discotheque in-Brüggen. Results: 48 to the part drunken youths were found after midnight without adult supervision. The disco operator now expects a juicy fine - he was not the first time in this way.
Daniel (16) got up close with the raid. "I wanted to go home around midnight, but was long in the cloakroom. When I came out, was already everywhere police. "To date, the authorities had chosen well. In the "crumbs's" there was the beer that night at half price.
Many young people said they have a so-called "educational instruction" had it. These are forms to designate where the parents one adult that walks with the minor in the disco. The visitors said that the disco operators have collected these forms at the entrance.
But when police asked for the manager insight from the rejected. Thus, the Authority reported yesterday. The operator was despite several attempts yesterday not to reach for the EXPRESS.
Half years ago during a raid in the crumbs's even 120 minors had been found. Brüggen Mayor Gerhard Gottwald: "We have every time something was objectionable, sent a penalty notice."